Saturday, May 29, 2010

Chapter 1: A Fan is Born

Born a fan always a fan, is what I say. And being a fan and being ab;e to perform as the person you desired to be forever is just plain amazing. Being a wrestler was my highest priority, more than marriage, more than college and, dare I say it, more than family. I've watched this unique sport all my life and recently became obsessed with the idea of it all. More so the traveling and meeting new people and having fans, but now I realize the sport is what matters most.

I grew up watching people like The Rock , Mick Foley, The Hardys, Trich and more. But the person I strive to be, to follow intheir footsteps is Stone Cold Steve Austin. The Rattlesnake, my inspiration from the beginning, but we'll get back to that later.

I first started watching wrestling at a young age. I don't remember much but I specifically remember always watching RAW and Smackdown in my ltae Grandfather's basement with all of the kids. We came everytime there was a shoq and just sat around that old tv. Those were the highlights of my week.

During and after the show we would practice moves on each other. This weird bonding with my family soon became a ritual. Wrestling at that age made me feel like I had family. Yeah, it was play wrestling and I was very young, but that's how my love for wrestling started to grow.

Stay tuned for Chapt 2 "The 'Accidental' Retreat"

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