Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Paramore Post

Recently I came to realize my love for Paramore. I have always been a fan of their's but I didn't know who they were back then. Their music inspires me and I am eternally grateful. But I do have some concerns. Josh and Zac left in December and the brothers are saying that it's a corporate band. Shut up, k? No one cares about that! Chill out! I think Josh left for one simple reason which is explained in my mini rant in the next paragraph. Zac, on the other hand, left for another reason: He said that if his brother left Paramore, he would too. Bitch. Whatever, I'm over that fattie. They both seemed to find a respective band which makes no sense as to why Zac left. Why would he leave with his brother and not even join the same band? Stupid. But anyway here's my rant and I hope you enjoy it.

TheHurricosLevel (some guy on youtube): "If Paramore stayed like this (All We Know) I would have more respect for them , now being more in the spotlight they're are slowly becoming less interesting to eventually turn into corperate puppets, lets hope the band gets back together, and see if Hayley can switch her head on to whats happening."

*Actually, everyone changes. Every artist changes their sound one way or another. That's just how music is. Hayley has changed, obviously, but she wasn't the only one writing the songs if you haven't noticed. Josh wrote them too. She can't get all of the blame for the difference. And another thing, she is a woman. Maybe he left because he wanted a more masculine sound. He can't change her being a woman, all he can do is leave and that's what he did*

love your very striking and infamous, Mo

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Why Wrestling Will Stick Around

Coming from the heart:

Truth be told, it's been around longer than anything. I've known wrestling longer than I've known myself. It's the one thing that will not give up on me. It's been entertaining me since I even laid eyes on it. I love everything about it. The politics, the people, the excitement and every single hardship that comes with it. I want to put everything I have, mind and body, on the line to be able to do what I love. They say, do what you love. I love wrestling. I want to travel everywhere, entertain in any possible way, and perfect being a philanthropist. Nothing else matters when it comes to this sport. I'm going to college for marketing and business management in hopes of one day owning something wrestling related, hopefully co-owning the WWE or owning an independent circuit or TNA. I have hopes an dreams like no other person. I want to meet my hero, Stone Cold Steve Austin. He paved the way for people like me. He wants me to do what I love, on the other hand my dad wants nothing more than me to fail. Stone Cold is everything I want to be: a leader, an entertainer, and the life of the show. I want to follow in his foot steps. Not only is being famous something I want. I want to be happy. Nothing makes me happier than knowing that it's Monday. I've been lonely, and wrestling makes me remember that there are people that love the same thing I love. I want to be happy more than anything. If I thought for one second that something else will make more happy than this, I will look into it. But until then, this is my life's work in the making.
I'm not the kind of person to be a regular person. I'm not the kind of person to give up on something I love. This is all I want. I want to be sore and loving it. I want Philanthropy to be my best work, and I want to be a household name to all.

- The hopefully famous WWE philanthropist, but until then infamous, Mo

This is coming from the heart. I want all to know that this is all I want in life. To live wrestling. It stuck around longer than my dad, so it must be important. peace and love always. Stick around and you might learn something

Bucket List- Kyarra

1.Meet a WWE superstar
2. Adopt a pet from the animal shelter
3. change the world
4. star (or at least have one of the main parts) in a movie
5. Shoot a gun at a shooting range
6. Go to Europe
7. Go to Cancun
8. Be on T.V.
9. Go skydiving
10. Meet that special person
11. Break a bone
12. Get color totally different from actual hair color- Got color for my 17th birthday
13. Get accept to a college
14. Get a decent bf that I’m not scared to be with in public
15. Model for something
16. Have an epiphany
17. Get married
18. Get drunk
19. Write a will
20. Become friends with a rock star
21. Have a decent conversation with a Spaniard
22. Go streaking
23. Get to 121 pounds
24. Learn to play the guitar
25. Own property
26. Buy a car
27. See a band in concert
28. Make a Universal change
29. Get a tattoo: Scroll down
30. Go rock climbing or climb a rock
31. Get beads: Party in New Orleans
32. Get a piercing: When I turn 18
33. Write a book: My life story
35. Get a job- McDonalds 
36. Steal a car
37. Get lost in the city: basically anywhere
38. Swim with a dolphin
39. Make wine
40. Be a member of a television audience: Chelsea Lately
41. Get in a hot air balloon
42. Send a message in a bottle: Pretty much any ocean
43. Plant a tree and watch it grow: When I find a house
44. Jump in a waterfall: Shoshone Falls
45. Drive across America coast to coast
46. Buy something expensive – GPS for Mama’s Birthday
47. Sleep under the stars: Not by myself and somewhere safe
48. Spend Spring Break somewhere exotic: Like Paris or South Padres Island
49. See the Grand Canyon: in Arizona
50. Get a house and decorate to my heart’s desire: the same place I will plant my tree
51. Experience an RV: or WWE Bus
52. Drive a convertible with the top down and the music up
53. Give a speech
54. Make a complete fool of myself
55. Scuba Dive : in Florida
56. Kiss a random: On the streets of… anywhere
57. Give to a charity: Kids with no parents
58. Lose and win in Vegas: Pretty much any day of the week (after or during the age of 21)
59. Make funny noises in a crowded elevator: anytime I’m in one
60. Open all of the windows in the morning at a penthouse and walk around naked
61. Get to the top of the Statue of Liberty
62. Bartend: Bride McKenna’s in Chicago; can go along with charity
63. Swim in the ocean
64. Water ski: on the Ocean
65. Learn a fighting style: most likely judo or Krav Maga
66. Compose a song: won’t take a long time
67. Learn to salsa: any dance center
68. Go on a helicopter ride: visit Las Vegas; can go along with winning and losing
69. Swim with sharks: Florida
70. Experience weightlessness
71. Fly a plane
72. Drive a racecar
73. Mardi Gras in New Orleans
74. Visit Great Barrier Reef
75. Oktober Fest in Germany
76. Dublin, Ireland
77. Great Wall of China
78. Go to Disney World and Disney Land
79. Go on a cruise
80. Visit all 50 states in America
81. Make beer
82. Drive a classic car
83. Meet a legend- Stone Cold Steve Austin
84. Experience change
85. Witness something (hopefully on video)
86. Meet a hot celebrity or a really cool one
87. Visit Hollywood walk of Fame
88. Donate Blood
89. Audition for Road Rules
90. Have a baby
91. Milk a cow
92. Ride a camel
93. Have a past life regression
94. Participate in La Tomatina on the last Wednesday of August
95. Trace Ancestry
96. Ride a motorbike and motorcycle
97. Treat friends to paint ball and wear the suits all day
98. Make my life known
99. watch a building being Destroyed
100. Record all of these moments


Monday, January 31, 2011

Royal Rumble: Eliminations and entrance number

1. Punk (Eliminated by Cena
2. Daniel Bryan (NEXUS)
3. Justin Gabriel (Punk)
4. Zack Ryder (Daniel Bryan)
5. William Regal (Dibiase)
6. Ted Dibiase (NEXUS)
7. John Morrison (NEXUS)
8. Yoshi Tatsu (Henry)
9. Husky Harris (Khali)
10. Chavo Guerrero (Henry)
11. Mark Henry (Nexus)
12. JTG (Michael M.)
13. Michael McGuillicutty (Cena)
14. Chris Masters (NEXUS)
15. David Otunga (Cena)
16. Tyler Reks (NEXUS)
17. Vladimir Kozlov (NEXUS)
18. R Truth (Punk)
19. Great Khali (Mason Ryan)
20. Mason Ryan (Cena)
21. Booker T (Mason Ryan)
22. John Cena (Miz)
23. Hornswoggle (Sheamus)
24. Tyson Kidd (Cena)
25. Heath Slater (Cena)
26. Kofi Kingston (Orton)
27. Jack Swagger (Mysterio)
28. Sheamus (Orton)
29. Rey Mysterio (Wade Barrett)
30. Wade Barrett (Alberto Del Rio)
31. Dolph Ziggler (Big Show)
32. Diesel (Wade Barrett)
33. Drew McIntyre (Big Show)
34. Alex Riley (?)
35. Big Show (Zeke Jackson)
36. Ezekiel Jackson (Kane)
37. Santino (Alberto Del Rio)
38. Alberto Del Rio (WINS)
39. Randy Orton (Alberto Del Rio)
40. Kane (Rey Mysterio)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Been thinking... Religion

I believe in many things. I don't believe, however, that there is only one correct religion. I don't under any circumstance like talking about religion, but this is something that I can type fast and don't have to talk about out loud :)

alright then :P

Mary and Joseph
The Body
The Bible
Like I said. Many things

Purgatory and Incarnation to me are second chances at going to Heaven. Purgatory is where you go when you need to convince God that you belong in heaven, and Incarnation is when you need to convince yourself that you belong in heaven if you aren't sure yet.

I think that a little piece of God is in all of us, but I don't know about the Holy Spirit. Those women that scream at church are just screaming. There is nothing going on with them. I think, scientifically, they are reaching their orgasm.

Hell has to be real. Where do people who do wrong go? They don't just walk Earth as ghost or tiny spirits that we can't see. and if that was true that meant that Heaven wasn't real. And if anything, I wouldn't want to be sitting in my sticky grave for the rest of eternity, I want to go to paradise.

Also I believe that there are certain people that are meant to go to Heaven. People like Ghandi, and other Philanthropist. People that live to make people happy and those that change the world for good. Those people were chosen for that journey.

An like I said above, people are chosen for certain things. I think that some people are and some people are set on this planet to see where they belong or help others on their journey to Heaven.

Some people are put on this Earth to just be there and they end up going to Hell because they become an obstacle. If they don't become a huge obstacle they go to Heaven. I don't believe there is a plan for everyone.

I know that I am on a journey, but I am one of the few that are making their own. God can't control everything, so he trusts in people like me to do good on our own. He doesn't have to lead us, we lead ourselves to him.

If I was one of the people that were put here for a certain journey, I wouldn't have second guessed myself for all of these years about myself and my religion. I know now that I am not polytheistic, but optimistic and philosophical.

Which brings me to the Gods and Goddesses. I think they do exist. But in a way. The Bible says "No god before him". That's why religions aren't polytheistic. But the gods and goddesses are put here to take hand at a task when God is working on something much more important. The gods/goddesses control nothing by themselves. God gives then permission when it is time to use them. There are things going on all of the time and God can't oversee everything, fact of the matter. The gods and goddesses are like assistants. They only help, never "do".

That's all. I hope you enjoy my point of view. I'm very nonjudgmental about these things. And I believe them all.

The very intellectual and philosophical, love machine yet still infamous, Mo