Monday, March 7, 2016

Since No One Has Seen Ya Bish in A-Hwhile

Life Changes? or Something or Other

Good morning/afternoon wittle babies I am going to be very honest... I am bored af.

I want to do THINGS and I'm not doing these ThhhINGs. So today is a start of a new day, a new happiness, and a new adventure. I started this blog thingy like 5 years ago and frankly I was funny af. I'm grown now, but my sass will NEVER diminish (sorry ladies and jerks but this is a revolution for me.

Goals? ummmm get money, die trying? nah, seriously it's to make a name for myself and rule my own world. There are so many things I wanna do this year and revamping my blog is just the start!

Btw if you see a naked black girl walking around her apartment, that's probably me suckas

Love, the Infamous Mo