Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Meet Imfamous Mo

Dear Diary,
Heyy, I'm Mo. Well you should know this already since you're reading this. But I guess I'm just being formal. :D I guess this is my blog/diary. I slash my feelings, events and whatever else I can scratch up.
First I'm gonna say that I like blogging. An it's way more fun when people don't know you. But the problem is that I don't know how to get people to read my blogs. I don't know how to get people to "sneak a peek"... Ok whatever. So right now it's Spring Break and I'm enjoying my evening (I have never said "evening" before, so I guess you guys are the first. I saw Alice in Wonderland and I may be the first to say this but the movie SUCKED! It was really bad. (Please comment) I will say no more about it except that they were trying to pull an "Avatar." Define Avatar, Adjective. Avatar: having really cool special effects and not caring about the plot. BBBUUUUTTT the difference is that Avatar actually had a decent plot that people could relate to but AIW didn't! See how I made that long title short? That was cool lol. And on top of that (continuing from AIW) the time changed so our ride was an hour late. I was with my friend BTW (I'm not going to use real names here people) her name is Afrexican, I guess you can guess why lol.

So anyway I'm a sophomore and realized that I have crushes on freshman and basically they are off limits. But the truth is Sophomores-Seniors are NOT attractive and even if they were, everyone knows that they are gay or taken...///So I guess that I'll touch the "untouchables" or at least think about some of them. And those "somes" being Afroninja, M&m's and Burrito. (The nicknames rule :D) Afroninja has a GF (like that's gonna stop me) and an afro; M&m's nickname is a LONG story and has a fauxhawk (the best kind) and Burrito already had a good nickname but I had to change it. I like them all and I promise that there will be more talk about them.

And until then, please tell me the nicknames you give your crushes and why. (This will be interesting)

-The infamous fish-crushing Mo

P.S. I promise that the next entry will be 10x as funny b/c I'm 20x as funny as this. So please read b/c I'm gonna be someone big SOMEDAY (I know everyone says that, but it's true) and wouldn't it be cool if you were the first to know someone famous? (hint: Imfamous Mo lol I'm so cool) Thanx and keep reading!!

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