Friday, March 19, 2010

Jeez, Ask a Question Already!!

Dear Diary,

Jeez, I don't know how to say this but I want people to read my blog. And I know what you're saying, "Everyone wants that" but hey I'm different. I want people to experience me. And this blog is gonna do exactly that. So anyway... I have a formspring and nobody asks me questions, how sucky is that? Really sucky. My own friends don't care about me, *sigh. Well, not enough to know more about me via computadora. But that's just the thing, I carry my heart on my sleeve, so to speak. I do care about hiding things from people. I don't share secrets about people, I share my own. I want people to know me for me and have people question if I'm true or not. That's just how I am and maybe that's why they don't ask questions. That could be a factor, but JEEZ!!! There should be something they don't know. But whatever...

I was reading this book that could read you 5 ways. Through your hand, chinese zodiac, regular zodiac, number, and handwriting. I did them all except the handwriting (I lost the book lol) and it is VERY accurate. It seemingly got everthing right about me. I'm a sagitarrius (is that how you spell it?) and born in the year of the rooster. If you really want to read on it, you can. This is what I really am like and I'm proud of myself! So I guess that's the end of this blog. (I have no more to talk about) Please follow me on Twitter (KyarraM) or subscribe to my videos on Youtube (SupahCoolio) or follow me on my formspring (Kyarramoore) Just let me know that you read this! Thanx

-The Imfamous and very sharing-of-the-info, Mo

For people just coming to read "Read to succeed." That could be a novel or my blog and hopefully both. I love to read so tell me about some books you REALLY like, I might read one or already have :)

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